Nauro Arts
Prices are per character
Find more examples on my Trello queue!
Timed Sketch
15 minutes: $15 USD
30 minutes : $30 USD
Choose your own time!
These can have multiple characters, but quality will vary with more than one. If I run over time you will not be charged!
Flat colored character on a simple bg. 800 x 800 pixels
Flat Color: $40
Shaded Icon: $50
Sketch: $30
Flat Color: $45
Shaded: $55
Sketch: $35
Flat Color: $45
Shaded: $55
Waist Up
Colored Sketch: $45
Flat Color: $55
Shaded: $75
Full Body
Colored Sketch: $50
Flat Color: $70
Shaded: $90
Social Media Banner
Starting at $35 USD, price varies!
Reference Sheet
1 View: $75
Includes eye detail, paw pads, custom color key and pose of your choice2 View: $115
Includes front and back views, eye detail, paw pads, and custom color keyTurn Around Reference: $170
Includes front, back and side views, eye detail, paw pads, and custom color keyExtras:
Add $10 for detail shots and accessories.
Add $20 per bust /emotions / chibi clothing or views
Add $40 per extra pose, form, clothing, ect.
Add $20+ for wing details, weapons, armor, ect.
To order a commission, please e-mail [email protected] with your order!
Pixel Icon
50 x 50 Icon: $10
Please understand that I am both physically and mentally ill, both of these can cause delays. You will remain updated about any delays, but please understand when working with me that commissions and/or communication may take longer due to this.When commissioning, whether you have read my Terms of Service or not, you agree to my terms and understand this is a legally binding commitment.My Terms of Service covers non-commercial and personal material. If you would like art for commercial use, please email my manager with details of the project for a quote.I retain the copyright(s) of any image(s) I create. This means that I am allowed to sell prints, merch, etc., use it as a promotional piece(s), and/or put it in a portfolio or gallery if I choose so. Private commissions or image(s) that are scheduled for a later date are exempt from this or used at a later date that has been agreed upon, respectively. If you wish, you may buy the image copyright from me for a price. This may be discussed with me via email.Commission terms:I have the right to refuse to work with anyone at any time for any reason.Please inform me before the commission progresses to the paid stage if you have a deadline. There is a priority fee to bump you to the top of my current queue. If you tell me after you have paid, you will be asked to either pay the fee or void the deadline.If a commission is private, you must tell me before payment has been received. If you choose not to tell me this before then, the ability to keep it private will be null unless you pay the fee to keep it private. You can instead pay a smaller fee to have character colors changed for upload purposes, or the piece may be uploaded as from an anonymous client for free.If you reject a sketch or thumbnail, please note that it is not yours to keep unless stated otherwise. I have the right to change it, resell it, or finish it for my own usage. If you wish to keep it, you can buy the piece.Please tell me if there are any edits needed in the initial sketch stages. Do not be afraid to correct me if I miss markings as I work.Once the art progresses to the inked stage, unless I forgot something, changes can occur a revision fee. Revision fees depend on the complexity of what needs to be changed.Do not alter my work without permission from me. I will fix any mistakes that I have made in the piece.When a client contacts me for work, they agree that my Terms of Service supersedes any Terms of Server the client might have.My works may not be sold as NFTs, blockchains, AI, etc as it violates my copyright.Clients are not allowed to make prints/posters/flyers/other items with my artwork for profit. If you wish to do this you must either buy the copyrights or agree to split the profit via a contract. If you are found selling my work without consent, I will ask you to cease and provide me with a portion of the profits you have earned. If you refuse, legal action will be taken against you.You can, however, print your piece(s) for personal use (i.e. hanging it on a wall in your home), create icons, wallpapers, or other personal items. This is for the client only.I will provide clients with both a high-resolution file and a watermarked copy of your art. You are allowed to post only the watermarked version on social media, art sites, etc., with a direct link back to my galleries. If you post without credit I will ask you to credit me, and if you refuse I will file a DMCA to have the image taken down.Payment is upfront in USD, however, if the commission is over $130 USD I will offer split payments. These are available by request only. I will only complete the amount of work that has been paid for. Until paid in full I will not finish your commission and you may not make use of the piece until it is either paid in full or canceled.I have a right to cancel a commission without reason, and a full refund will be issued if I am the one to cancel a commission.You may cancel the commission or get a refund before the commission has started. If no work has been done, you will get a full refund. If work has been started you will get what has been finished of the artwork and refunded the rest of the amount.Once a commission is finished I will no longer offer a refund. I have completed my service, and if you are not satisfied please let me know.Please save your commissions immediately upon receipt of the files. I am not responsible for any deleted or missing commissions.
Nauro, the Artist
Sefin, the Manager